Reference Collection

This a a list of my favorite resources. For one reason or another, these articles have found a place in my memories that I refer to in times of connection. An addition of this page make this resource more valuable to me. It will become a “living” collection of all articles and resources I feel I will reference in the future.

Adichie, C. N. (n.d.). The danger of a single story. Chimamanda Ngozi Adichie: The danger of a single story | TED Talk. Retrieved October 16, 2022, from

Kimmerer, R. W. (2013). Braiding Sweetgrass. Milkweed Editions.

Bremm, N., & Racherbäumer, K. (2017). Intersectionality and Social Space: Educational Justice in deprived schools. Improving Schools, 21(1), 5–18.

Core competencies. Building Student Success – B.C. Curriculum. (n.d.). Retrieved October 15, 2022, from

Dewey, J. (2015). Chapter 3: Criteria of Experience. In Experience and education. essay, Free Press.

Farrington, C. A., Maurer, J., & McBride, A. (2019). (rep.). Arts Education and Social-Emotional Learning Outcomes Among K-12 Students: Developing a Theory of Action (pp. 1–46). Chicago, Illinois: Ingenuity.

Greene, M. (1993). Diversity and inclusion: Toward a curriculum for human beings. Teachers College Record: The Voice of Scholarship in Education, 95(2), 211–221.

Guyotte, K. W. (2019). Toward a philosophy of steam in the anthropocene. Educational Philosophy and Theory, 52(7), 769–779.

Jardine, D. W. (2012). Chapter 5: “A hitherto concealed experience that transcends thinking from the position of subjectivity”. In Pedagogy left in peace: Cultivating Free Spaces in teaching and learning (pp. 91–131). essay, Continuum.

Lugones, M. (2022). Playfulness, “world”-traveling, and loving perception. Feminist Philosophy of Mind.

McIver, K. (2020). Engaging Youth to Explore Activism: An Educational Framework for Supporting an Ecological Justice-Oriented Citizenry. Canadian Journal of Action Research, 21(1), 102–125.

Pinar, W. F., & Irwin, R. L. (2012). Curriculum in a new key the collected works of Ted T. Aoki. Routledge.

Pinar, W. F., & Reynolds, W. M. (2016). Chapter 2: Existential and Phenomenological Foundations of Autobiographical Methods. In Understanding curriculum as phenomenological and deconstructed text. essay, Educators International Press.

Raelin, J. A. (2002). “I don’t have Time to think!” versus the art of reflective practice. Reflections: The SoL Journal, 4(1), 66–79.

Ungar, M. (2020). What Works: A Manual for Designing Programs that Build Resilience. Resilience Research Centre. Retrieved October 16, 2022, from